Clinac Downtime

How is "downtime" defined for our linacs?

The operating hours per year are calculated by taking the daily working hours (10) and multiplying them with the operating days per year. Example: in 2004, there were 245 operating days: 366 (total) - 52*2 (weekends) - 9 (national holidays during the week) - 8 (PMI) = 245 operating days. This gives 2450 operating hours in 2004.

Downtime Summary (graphics)

Operating ... Downtime Clinac Blue1 (details) Downtime Clinac Green1 (details)
Year ... Days ... Hrs Hrs Percent Excess Hrs Percent Excess
1997 243 2430 18.0 0.7 59.0 2.4 98% Uptime guarantee not reached2
1998 243 2430 21.75 0.9 36.5 1.5
1999 244 2440 7.5 0.3 128.83 5.3 98% Uptime guarantee not reached
2000 240 2400 161.75 6.7 98% Uptime guarantee not reached 16.5 0.7
2001 242 2420 33.5 1.4 49.75 2.1 98% Uptime guarantee not reached
2002 243 2430 59.0 2.4 98% Uptime guarantee not reached 38.5 1.6
2003 242 2420 6.83 0.3 21.5 0.9
2004 245 2450 40.5 1.7 15.16 0.6
2005 242 2420 47.0 1.9 17.91 0.7
2006 240 2400 62.0 2.6 98% Uptime guarantee not reached 64.25 2.7 98% Uptime guarantee not reached
2007 241 2410 46.25 1.9 38.5 1.6
2008 245 2450 63.25 2.6 98% Uptime guarantee not reached 42.75 1.7
2009 242 2420 47.0 1.9 28.66 1.2
2010 244 2440 42.42 1.7 45.25 1.9
2011 242 2420 63.58 2.6 98% Uptime guarantee not reached 15.58 0.6
2012 242 2420 15.333 0.6   14.34 0.6
2013     - -   11.754  

1: Blue = Clinac 2300C/D (S/N 157), Green = Clinac 2300C/D (S/N 156).
2: A red triangle indicates that the downtime exceeds 2%.
3: Last treatment day on linac Blue was April 13, 2012 with 3060 lifetime-beam hours after 16 years of operation (June 1996 - April 2012). See the last pictures of this machine.
4: The Clinac era of our institute ended with the last treatment day on linac Green on February 28, 2013 after nearly 17 years of operation. Here is a photo of the physics team in front of the machine (it had 3260.3 beam hours and 54485.5 filament hours).

Modulator Troubleshooting 1999/2000

In 1999 and 2000, a lot of downtime was accumulated by troubleshooting modulator problems. The symptoms were always the same: upon beam-on, first there was no output. After a few seconds, a bang from the modulator was heard. This told us that the rectifying diodes in the modulator had blown and required replacement. The deeper reason was the arrangement of some high voltage components inside the modulator, which led to arcing under certain conditions. After extensive troubleshooting, replacing a significant number of diodes and increasing the distance between some HV parts by a few centimeters, we fortunately never had this kind of problem again.

Snapshots of Modulator troubleshooting Clinac Blue, April 2000. The machine was down for 89 hours.
Lots of Diodes Australia (left) helps out Austria (right)
Finishing up Big capacitor

Description of Some Interlocks

ACC Accessory selected at the console does not match the mounted accessory
BMAG Bend magnet power supply voltage 5% off set value or bend magnet current 1% off for the selected energy
CARR Carrousel not in correct position for selected mode
COLL Collimator. Incorrect position for accessory or mistracking during dynamic wedge treatment
ENSW Energy switch not in correct position for selected mode
FLOW Insufficient water flow opened a flow switch
FOIL Carrousel locking pin not in home position
GAS SF6 waveguide gas pressure less than 30 psi
GFIL Gun filament and bias voltages below proper operating level for accelerator gun
HVCB High voltage circuit breaker
HVOC High voltage overcurrent
HWFA Hardware failure
ION1 Radial ion chamber power supply less than 400V
ION2 Transverse ion chamber power supply less than 400V
KSOL Klystron solenoid current not within 1.5 amps of the name-plate rating or power supply voltage 10% below nominal
PNDT Hand pendant not in holder or treatment couch brakes not engaged
STPS Steering motor power supply
TARG Target not in correct position for selected mode
UDR1 Radial dose rate less than 80% of set value (disabled for the first 10s after beam-on)
UDR2 Transverse dose rate less than 80% of set value (disabled for the first 10s after beam-on)
UDRS Actual servoed dose rate below that which was intended
VAC1 Major leak, defective Vacion power supply, ...
VAC2 Momentary, self-clearing impurity, minor leak, defective Vacion power supply, ...

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