Farmer Waterproof Chamber

Model/Serial: 30013-1572 (purchased: 2005)
Model/Serial: 30013-1582 (purchased: 2005)

Description: Verified ionization chamber (0.6 cm3) for absolute dosimetry, used with Unidos or Unidoswebline.

Calibration History: Chamber 1572 + Unidos 10396

Date NW U ppol (60Co) ps (60Co) NW' [Gy/C] Laboratory
27.04.2012 1.015 0.014 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf
15.04.2014 1.018 0.014 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf

Calibration History: Chamber 1572 + Unidoswebline

Date NW U ppol (60Co) ps (60Co) NW' [Gy/C] Laboratory
20.04.2006 1.014 0.014 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf
13.06.2008 1.013 0.014 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf
06.09.2010 1.014 0.014 1.000 1.000 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf
27.04.2012 1.013 0.014 0.999 1.000 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf
15.04.2014 1.016 0.014 1.000 1.000 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf

Calibration History: Chamber 1582 + Unidos 10398

Date NW U ppol (60Co) ps (60Co) NW' [Gy/C] Laboratory
20.11.2009 1.012 0.014 1.000 1.000 5.381E+07 Seibersdorf
27.06.2011 1.015 0.014 1.001 1.000 5.315E+07 Seibersdorf
16.04.2013 1.016 0.014 1.000 1.000 5.381E+07 Seibersdorf

Note: U = k uc is the expanded uncertainty with the coverage factor k = 2.


Date Event
10.06.2005 S/N 1572 initial calibration by PTW: NW = 5.315E+07 Gy/C (U = 2.2%).
10.06.2005 S/N 1582 initial calibration by PTW: NW = 5.381E+07 Gy/C (U = 2.2%).

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