The electronics of the interface, like any other dosimetry electronics, needs some time to warm up before readings are stable. PTW recommends a warmup time of five minutes. When an offset measurement is started right after the interface is turned on, readings will have considerable drift (up to 0.005Gy for a 60s measurement).
To find the ideal warmup time, I repeated the cycle offset measurement ("Zero", 60 seconds) and dose measurement ("Measure", 60 seconds) ten times, followed by an offset of 180s after a break and a measurement (M11) which serves as reference. Just to make it clear: all measurements were done without any radiation. These are pure drift measurements.
At T-15min, ARRAY and interface were taken out of a storage room (room temperature 17°C) and set up in an office (23°C).
Time [mm:ss] | Action/Remark |
00:00 | Power up interface |
00:18 | Zero (60s) |
01:18 | Done |
01:23 | Measure |
02:23 | Done. Save as M1 |
02:35 | Zero (60s) |
03:35 | Done |
03:40 | Measure |
04:39 | Done. Save as M2 |
04:50 | Zero (60s) |
05:50 | Done |
05:54 | Measure |
06:54 | Done. Save as M3 |
07:05 | Zero (60s) |
08:07 | Done |
08:11 | Measure |
09:18 | Done. Save as M4 |
09:24 | Zero (60s) |
10:36 | Done |
10.39 | Measure |
11:40 | Done. Save as M5 |
11:45 | Zero (60s) |
12:48 | Done |
12:52 | Measure |
13:52 | Done. Save as M6 |
14:03 | Zero (60s) |
15:03 | Done |
15:15 | Measure (pressed "Start" 2 times -> CRC-error) |
16:15 | Done. Save as M7 |
16:30 | Zero (60s) |
17:26 | Done |
17:30 | Measure |
18:30 | Done. Save as M8 |
18:40 | Zero (60s) |
19:40 | Done |
19:43 | Measure |
20:44 | Done. Save as M9 |
20:55 | Zero |
21:55 | Done (60s) |
22:02 | Measure |
23:02 | Done. Save as M10 |
45:00 | Zero (180s) |
48:00 | Done |
48:05 | Measure |
49:05 | Done. Save as M11 (Reference) |
When starting the measurement at 15:15, I made a mistake: I pressed the Start button twice in short succession. MatrixScan reported a "CRC error", but started the measurement after I acknowledged the message. Interestingly, the result of the measurement M7 shows a negative dose peak of -0.002Gy (see enlarged image below). I have no explanation for this. Is it a coincidence? Has this something to do with the CRC error? Or was this some high negative energy cosmic ray particle? Maybe a tachyon? But this is not relevant vor the drift test.
Negative dose values may occur due to drift but negative isodoses are not displayed by VeriSoft.
Based on experience and these images, I recommend 10-15 minutes as warmup time. The duration of the offset measurement is taken as 60 seconds. Usually I repeat the offset measurement after another 10 minutes or so. Then all readings are absolutely stable.
![]() |
Drift patterns (time is given in minutes after power up) |