Downtime Details TrueBeam Green (S/N 1469)

Date Hours Reason for Downtime
08.10.2013 5.0 IL 224071 (BGM.MOD.DspErrPfndacSteady).
08.10.2013 1.5 IL 224071 (BGM.MOD.DspErrPfndacSteady).
11.10.2013 1.5 DICOM communication error (pic1, pic2) when loading a certain patient plan. No treatment possible on both TrueBeams. Solution: deleted some JPEG images from setup fields.
20.11.2013 3.33 IL 420208 during VMAT (pic). Replaced leaf motor B-17.
27.11.2013 1.0 MV Ready lights up, but Beam On is not possible. No IL. Reboot SPV -> no effect. Emergency Off -> OK.
2013 12.33  
07.01.2014 1.0 Laser Guard Error 1.
24.01.2014 1.0 XI-IL. Reboot digitizer unit (DU).
21.02.2014 0.25 MLC IL 420207.
26.02.2014 1.0 CCHU IL 715602, 715803, 715288, 715822.
11.03.2014 0.33 CCHU IL 715602, 715803. Cleaned with compressed air.
13.03.2014 0.75 Beam-On not possible due to GATE-IL. BGM, XI rebooted. Restart kV gen, MLC init, axis, carr (transverse: 5x).
15.04.2014 0.5 BGM 227135.
05.05.2014 0.5 CCHU IL 715803.
15.05.2014 1.0 X2 jaw does not initialize (reed switch at home position not properly aligned)
23.05.2014 1.0 Failed to close beam loop on BGM. Beam-on not possible (no IL). Beam loop voltages. OK after em-off.
11.06.2014 0.5 CCHU 715803.
13.07.2014 2.0 Failed to close beam loop on BGM.
14.07.2014 0.5 Failed to close beam loop on BGM.
31.07.2014 1.0 XI. No MV image possible.
04.08.2014 0.17 "Power Saver" during arc treatment (IL 206002, 206003, 331054, 331058, 800000, ...)
07.08.2014 0.33 Laser Guard at gantry 180°. STN reboot.
19.08.2014 0.25 "Power Saver" before treatment (no IL). Turn on -> OK
17.09.2014 0.17 CCHU 715803. Cleaned with compressed air.
17.09.2014 0.17 COL 420208 (MLC Leaf B14 prim/sec sensors) during IMRT.
18.09.2014 0.5 kVS HWAPIError. Rebooted kVS node, initialized kVS collimator.
23.09.2014 7.5 MLC: Short on HD 120 Motor Interconnect, Side A. Replaced PCB (pic 1 2MLC 3MLC 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11).
27.10.2014 2.0 VMS.DSE.OrchestratorHost.exe has stopped working.
27.10.2014 0.5 Lost connection to Supervisor (pic 1, 2, 3). Emergency off, initialized all axes, restarted DICOM stream srv.
29.10.2014 3.5 Replaced noisy water pump in stand.
2014 26.42  
29.04.2015 1.0 During MPC: COMM 309131, no sounds from DKB. Reset DKB, reboot TrueBeam console, reboot STN node.
04.05.2015 0.17 Image artefacts during Pelvis CBCT (pic1, pic2). Calibrated kV baldes.
15.05.2015 0.17 kVS-IL 1001005: reboot, init, OK.
04.05.2015 0.67 MV Ready, but Beam-On not possible. Emergency Off, OK; XI disconnect: reboot XI, OK.
09.06.2015 0.25 MLC-IL 420207 during LF-IMRT (A-52). Init OK, Resume treatment with same IL. Resume on other machine.
09.06.2015 2.00 MLC-IL 420207 during VMAT. Init MLC. Again same IL, reproducible in Plan-QA, always on A side (A-52, 10, 6, 20). Calibration of MLC.
11.08.2015 1.0 No MV/kV imaging. Reboot XI, IRM, TrueBeam, DU.
13.08.2015 2.0 No kV imaging ("No valid kV setting found". "There is no mapping defined ..."). -> Varian via SmartConnect.
13.08.2015 0.5 IL 101006. Rebooted BGM.
24.08.2015 0.25 MLC-IL. Initialized.
27.08.2015 0.25 8:00: MLC-IL (B-40). Initialized.
27.08.2015 0.25 10:45: MLC-IL (B-40). Initialized.
10.09.2015 0.33 8:00: MLC-IL (B-10).
10.09.2015 0.33 8:30: MLC-IL (B-10).
10.09.2015 0.75 11:30: MLC-IL (B-10).
15.09.2015 0.25 10:00: MLC-IL (B-10).
25.09.2015 0.25 8:40: Col.SW.Y2.PrimSecDiff (416000). Initialized Y.
02.10.2015 0.5 6:00: MV-Ready, but cannot beam-on. Power down complete system. Then CCHU.
23.10.2015 0.17 MLC-IL (A-45). Initialized MLC.
04.11.2015 2.0 After power failure: VMS.DSE.Orchestrator.EXE stopped working. Reboot DU, kV generator, XI, ...
02.12.2015 0.17 TB suddenly falls into Standby. Time delay 5 mins, MLC init.
2015 13.26  
29.01.2016 0.75 12:00 CCHU interlocks + Power Off -> Varian. Restart.
29.03.2016 1.0 6:30: IL 1001005 (HWAPIError), then beam is not enabled (IL 100106, BELSwitchFailed). EM-Off in Service Mode, init all axes.
06.05.2016 3.5 Rebuild TrueBeam RAID after HD removal. Mouse defective.
09.05.2016 0.5 16:30 Beam-off at 6E. IL at BGM subnodes MOD and EGN. Reboot BGM: not OK. Emergency Off. Init all axes.
19.07.2016 0.25 No "MV Ready". IL Node 2. BGM reboot.
17.08.2016 0.25 MLC-IL 420224 (B-29). Doses not initialize. B-29 does not move manually.
21.11.2016 2.0 18:00: RF Driver dead.
22.11.2016 4.0 Installation of new RF Driver.
28.12.2016 0.17 12:56 MLC IL 420219 (trajectory A-35)
2016 11.42  
04.01.2017 5.33 12:37 Squeaking target sledge. IL 216219 (PosTarget.SecondaryStuck)
17.01.2017 0.17 10:41: IL 1012067 etc. Power Off.
19.01.2017 1.0 10:00: MLC IL 420207. Replaced leaf motor A-31.
07.02.2017 0.67 05:50: Treatment application hangs.
06.04.2017 0.5 09:00: Replaced leaf motor A-22.
19.05.2017 0.33 10:38: Trajectory IL 420219 (A-41). Init not possible. Override MLC. Init OK.
19.05.2017 0.33 11:52: Trajectory IL 420219 (A-41). Init not possible. Override MLC. Init OK.
10.07.2017 0.25 13:53: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-44) (ID: 420207). Initialized MLC.
12.07.2017 0.5 13:55: CCHU 715617 (CouchLngPrimSensor). Cleaned with compressed air, power cycle CCHU sensors.
31.07.2017 0.25 18:22: Lost connection to IPS (ID: 6022). Reboot Treatment and Reconstructor.
11.08.2017 0.5 05:48: Power off over night, T=23.9°C. Initialized all axes.
14.08.2017 5.5 13:20: XI-IL: kVS collimator did not move as commanded (Y1 blade).
16.08.2017 2.0 06:00: kVS blade IL @ MPC. Then CCHU. Recycle upper couch node.
22.08.2017 0.17 07:47: DMI.NotReady (ID: 513708). Reboot XI.
22.08.2017 0.25 16:00: Truebeam keyboard and mouse frozen. Disconnected TB computer from power. Reboot.
23.08.2017 0.17 07:53: PVA/XI disconnected (ID: 122500). Reboot XI.
23.08.2017 0.17 10:58: DMI.NotReady (ID: 513708). Reboot XI.
28.08.2017 5.0 10:15: MLC: Replaced leaf motors A-44, A-40. Installed (used) SF-board.
08.09.2017 0.25 08:20: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-20) (ID: 420207). Initialized MLC.
30.10.2017 0.67 05:58: "Mains" fuse tripped, power off over night, T=22.1°C.
31.10.2017 1.0 05:50: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-31) (ID: 420207). Replaced leaf motor A-31.
30.11.2017 0.5 15:58: After IRM reboot: "Machine monitor is not connected". Full power down (UPS off).
04.12.2017 0.33 05:45: TrueBeam in Standby. 12 min time delay.
15.12.2017 2.0 13:45: No hospital water supply. Overtemp. Several problems (pitched couch at end stop) upon recovery.
21.12.2017 0.25 05:45: TrueBeam in Standby. 12 min time delay.
2017 28.09  
12.01.2018 0.33 05:45: Modulator: CB8 tripped. TrueBeam in PEL mode.
07.02.2018 0.5 07:08: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA). Movement not possible. Replaced motor A-26.
12.02.2018 1.67 08:55: IL 221225 (MissingModTrigger), 224053 (ESPErrIlhvocMon) 1 2 3 4 -> Varian.
24.04.2018 0.5 07:02: IL 376001 (EXIO.TempError). Fancoils in TrueBeam computer cabinet not working.
24.04.2018 0.33 07:11: IL 306200 (HSSBLink3CarrierRxMirrorError) while recovering from heat problems.
24.04.2018 0.5 07:41: IL 124500 (KVD.Disconnect). Still recovering from heat problems.
08.05.2018 0.33 09:47: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA). Movement not possible. Replaced motor A-16.
26.06.2018 0.17 09:58: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol). Initialized, OK.
27.07.2018 0.25 14:40: IL 420220 (TrajDeviationLeafB). Moved leaf B-29 manually, initialized, OK.
14.08.2018 2.25 07:08: IL 212110 (Target1LessThanExp), 212111 (Target2LessThanExp). Replaced signal cable.
22.08.2018 1.5 20:33: IL 611173 (MVDElbow.PrimTertDiff). Failed to initialize arm.
23.08.2018 6.25 Troubleshooting of IL 611173 until 12:45.
24.08.2018 2.0 08:42: again IL 611173 (MVDElbow.PrimTertDiff). Rotated resolver, OK.
11.09.2018 1.0 06:47: again IL 611173. Deactivated MVD (kV imaging only). Replaced primary sensor, OK.
20.11.2018 0.5 13:27: IL 371000 (EXGI.Channel2GeneralFault). Reboot STN> PEL mode> EM off> IL PWM> reboot PWM> OK
29.11.2018 7.0 05:50: IL 210005 (Dose). No beam output. OrchestratorHost.exe crashed. IL 3016 (CB1). Replaced CB1.
2018 25.08  
29.01.2019 0.67 17:40: Leaf A-46 won't move; init not possible -> Varian.
11.02.2019 0.33 07:17: IL 420219. TrajDeviationLeafA. A-43 can't be moved. Replaced motor. Init -> OK.
13.02.2019 0.17 16:57: IL 420220. TrajDeviationLeafB. B-49 moves again after MLC off/on. Init -> OK.
01.03.2019 0.17 15:10: IL 1011800. KVS.SW.KVFilterFoil.PrimSecDiff. Srv mode, init KVS ->OK.
07.03.2019 0.33 08:06: IL 420220. TrajDeviationLeafA. A-49 can't be moved. Replaced motor. Init -> OK.
07.03.2019 1.5 11:05: TB in PEL mode. During init, MVD cover collides with base. Bypassed, replaced switches.
05.04.2019 2.0 14:15: TB goes to OFF during kV imaging. CB8 in modulator defective -> replaced.
06.05.2019 0.5 15:30: TB alphanumeric keyboard stopped working. Replaced keyboard, reboot TB & inroom computer.
08.05.2019 0.33 13:01: Leaf A-31. init failed, moved manually, init OK.
09.05.2019 0.5 09:29: IL 306200. STN.SW.COMM.HSSBLink3CarrierRxMirrorError. Stby, off, 3 min time delay, OK
13.05.2019 0.33 07:51: Platform server not responding. Restart, login admin, check service, login Varian, OK.
13.05.2019 0.5 08:14: IL 420208 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol. Several attempts (init, moved, ...) Finally replaced motor. Init -> OK.
24.05.2019 0.25 14:00: "Processing control system status message failed" Treatment freezes after CBCT. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R, Reboot TRT & IRM.
24.05.2019 0.5 14:28: Treatment freezes. No IL. Reboot TRT, IRM, XI (no communication to PVA tasks).
14:06.2019 0.16 07:14: IL 812600. CCHL.SW.CouchVrt.PrimSecDiff. Moved couch beyond 55cm -> no IL.
20.09.2019 3.5 09:00: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol), leaf 42. Replaced B-iso board.
23.09.2019 0.5 06:20: TrueBeam in PEL mode. Reboot, init all axes.
03.10.2019 0.33 05:50: TrueBeam in PEL mode. Reboot, init all axes.
24.10.2019 0.5 07:26: IL 512230 (XI.SW.KV.Generator.VDCError). Reboot XI and X-ray generator (2x).
27.11.2019 0.17 08:35: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA). Replaced motor 9.
09.12.2019 0.17 17:44: IL 420220 (TrajDeviationLeafB). Init, cycled several times.
13.12.2019 0.17 16:18: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol), leaf 57. Init, OK.
19.12.2019 0.17 07:58: "Processing the control system status failed.". Unhandled exception ... Reboot treatment.
2019 13.75  
10.01.2020 0.5 10:23: TB goes to PEL Mode. CB9(REG) tripped (2x). Init all axes, OK.
21.01.2020 0.17 13:27: IL 420208 (B-34, LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol). Init,OK.
31.01.2020 0.33 07:06: IL 420219 (A-7, TrajDeviationLeafA). Replaced motor.
21.01.2020 0.33 06:21: XI not connected. Reboot XI (2x), Reboot Treatment.
25.02.2020 0.34 11:26: IL 420223 (TrajDriftLeafA). No movement A-41 -- A-43. Replaced motor A-42.
03.03.2020 3.0 08:48: IL 420208 (B-7), again 11:24 -> Varian.
05.03.2020 0.25 07:03: IL 420220 (B-29, TrajDeviationLeafB). Replaced motor.
03.04.2020 0.17 07:12, 08:09: Live Camera fails (pic1, pic2). Reboot Treatment, check all connections.
08.04.2020 0.25 08:37: IL 420219 (A-33). Replaced motor.
17.04.2020 0.33 10:00: CBCT artefacts. Calibrated CBCT modes.
21.04.2020 0.16 10:39: IL 420219 (A-50). Init, OK.
30.04.2020 10.67 06:02: PEL mode, CB8 tripped. Troubleshooting in modulator (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Replaced contactor K7.
15.05.2020 0.16 10:40: IL 420220 (B-40, B-45). Init -> OK.
26.05.2020 3.0 07:22: Accessory mount - intermittent triggering of IL (pic1, pic2). Replaced code reader PCB.
26.05.2020 0.16 12:50: "Interoperability error. ADI could not communicate through XBridge." (pic). Restarted Treatment.
06.07.2020 2.5 09:36: Power Off. Behavior like EM-Off. Troubleshooting all EM-Off switches.
07.07.2020 0.33 17:20: IPS not running after reconstructor reboot. Rebooted again, OK.
13.08.2020 0.17 07:17: MV-imager cover mechanical collision after safety check. Screw loose.
03.09.2020 5.5 06:08: Power outage following iCBCT reconstruction. Reconstructor trips fuse.
02.11.2020 5.0 06:00: Mains CB8 tripped. IL 310425 (Cooling.AccelGuideFlowLow) (1, 2)
20.11.2020 1.0 11:20: Power outage following iCBCT reconstruction. Em-Off in GE-Breaker Box under suspicion.
23.11.2020 0.58 06:08: Power outage. Em-Off in GE-Breaker Box replaced.
14.12.2020 4.5 05:55: IL 210016, 211100, 222059. 2A-fuse on hotdeck blown. Crowbar replaced (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
2020 39.4  
13.01.2021 0.33 07:53: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-41). Replaced motor.
03.02.2021 0.16 12:14: IL 222002 (EGN.DspErrAdcmonError). Reboot EGN subnode.
11.03.2021 0.33 07:15: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-43). Replaced motor.
24.03.2021 0.33 09:14: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-12). Replaced motor.
12.04.2021 0.33 09:11: IL 420220 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafB-03). Replaced motor.
26.05.2021 0.16 14:25: IL 1011800 (KVFilterFoil.PrimSecDiff) > kVS Axes Calib > OK
11.06.2021 3.0 11:43: IL 224050 (MOD.DspErrIlhvcbMon) after Power Off -> Varian > Crowbar defective.
15.06.2021 0.33 10:46: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol, B-40). Also same field, same MU next day. Init > OK.
30.06.2021 1.0 13:59: IL 415513 (FPGA.Y1.MotorDriverFault) -> Varian
02.07.2021 3.0 05:58: IL 222068 (EGN.DspErrHdadcgridvMon) -> Varian
08.07.2021 0.33 09:22: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol, A-18). Replaced motor.
14.07.2021 0.16 06:59: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol, A-18) > Cycle MLC > OK
24.08.2021 0.16 14:20: IL 420224 (MLC.TrajDriftLeafB-42). MLC init > OK
30.08.2021 0.16 16:33: IL 510102 (XI.SW.TRANSFER.Error), IL 501017 (XI.SW.COMM.HBPeriodOutOfRange). Reboot XI.
14.09.2021 0.5 14:45: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-16). Replaced motor.
19.09.2021 0.33 09:48: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-49). Replaced motor.
28.09.2021 0.33 IL 420205 (CarriagAPrimSecOutOfTol) multiple times. Replaced encoder strip (photo) on A side.
29.09.2021 0.33 07:23: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol, B-40). Replaced motor.
27.10.2021 0.33 11:08: IL 420220 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafB-42). Replaced motor.
08.11.2021 0.33 15:26: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-55). Override IL in service mode > Init > Autocycle > OK.
17.11.2021 0.5 17:20: IL 363002, 363004 (LaserGuard). Deactivated in SysAdmin > Sync in SrvMode > reboot Stand > Tdly
18.11.2021 0.16 18:00: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-27). Replaced motor.
22.11.2021 0.83 06:30: Patient plan load not possible due to DICOM communication error -> Varian
23.11.2021 0.16 10:28: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol, B-40). Init > OK
26.11.2021 0.16 07:04: IL 420224 (MLC.TrajDriftLeafB-48). MLC init > OK
30.11.2021 0.33 05:34: TB in PEL Mode, CB8 tripped. Trips multiple times, then OK
10.12.2021 0.33 11:53: IL 420219 (MLC.TrajDeviationLeafA-46). Replaced motor.
2021 14.4  
18.01.2022 0.25 06:59: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA), replaced motor A-29
23.02.2022 0.25 09:58: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol). replaced motor A-33
07.03.2022 0.33 15:10: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol, A-33). Initialized MLC (3x)
07.03.2022 0.25 16:14: After Reconstructor reboot no connection to IPS service. Repeat Reconstructor reboot.
25.03.2022 0.5 12:15: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA), replaced motor A-26
04.04.2022 0.25 08:30: IL 420220 (TrajDeviationLeafB), replaced motor B-18
26.04.2022 0.25 07:15: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol, B-23), init, moved manually, calibrate MLC
23.05.2022 0.75 06:29: TrueBeam in PEL mode, CB8 tripped several times, restarted all components
14.06.2022 0.25 11:45: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA), replaced motor A-43
21.06.2022 1.0 16:36: IL 420218 (TrajDeviationCarriageB), replaced carriage motor B
14.07.2022 0.33 05:48: TrueBeam in PEL mode, CB8 tripped, init MLC
20.07.2022 4.0 17:10: IL 420219, 420150, MLC init not possible
27.07.2022 1.0 16:11: IL 420218 (TrajDeviationCarriageB), init not possible, replaced carriage motor B + 3 leaf motors
18.08.2022 0.33 08:34: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA), replaced motor A-20
02.09.2022 1.0 06:00: IL 5019, XI could not initialize the kV detector correctly, reboot XI, CBCT, STN
14.09.2022 0.75 14:17: I L224050 (HV Crowbar not closed) -> Varian
30.09.2022 1.17 08:10: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA), replaced T-nut of leaf A-56
13.12.2022 0.33 11:42: IL 312002 (GantryRtn.PrimMovingDeviated). STN reboot -> OK
16.12.2022 0.33 10:56: IL 212110 (Target1LessThanExp), 212111, 212114, 212115, 212129. Re-routed wire.
2022 13.32  
05.01.2023 0.17 07:09: IL 420217 (TrajDevCarrA), 420218 (TrajDevCarrB), 420219 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol, B-1)
09.01.2023 0.33 16:30: IL 420208, MLC init with override
15.03.2023 0.25 10:21: IL 135500, 100020, 135017, BGM reboot, init all axes
04.05.2023 3.33 10:55: IL 221225 (MissingMODTrigger). Replaced Thyratron + capacitor.
08.05.2023 0.5 06:00: IL 227302 (HW_INTL_28V_NOTGOOD) etc. Power cycle SPV -> OK
17.07.2023 0.17 09:11: IL 420208, replaced B-1
22.08.2023 2.5 05:33: IL 310411 etc. CB2 (pump) tripped, replaced 6A rated fuse by 8A.
10.09.2023 0.17 13:21: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol, A-41). Initialized MLC.
06.10.2023 0.42 12:36: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol, A-15). Init. MLC OK, again IL, Calibrated MLC -> OK.
22.11.2023 0.17 13:27: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol, B-40). Initialized MLC.
29.11.2023 0.17 07:08: IL 416000 (COL.SW.Y2.PrimSecDiff). Calibrated Y-jaws.
2023 8.18  
31.01.2024 0.25 17:28: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA) A-17, later A-39; Calibate MLC > OK.
01.02.2024 0.25 11:37: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) A-39; Calibrate MLC > OK.
05.02.2024 0.17 13:00: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) A-39; Init MLC > OK.
06.02.2024 4.0 05:56: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) A-39; Varian replaces secondary feedback board > OK.
16.02.2024 5.0 06:48: IL 1013943 (KFFilterShape.AxisDidNotMoveAsCommanded) > lubricated spindle
11.04.2024 0.5 12:11: IL 363002, 363004 (LaserGuard), blinking E1; reboot STN > OK.
26.04.2024 0.5 07:00: MPC: water over-temp (> 48°). Power Off. Waiting for Juniper. Init all axes.
29.04.2024 3.0 06:15: IL 430052, 430054, ... COL.SW.ACC1.InstallSwitchFail; replaced accessory reader
22.05.2024 6.0 09:08: 24V stand power supply defective; replaced PS.
22.08.2024 6.33 18:17: IL 911173 (kVDElbow.PrimTertDiff). Rotated resolver on kVD elbow.
23.08.2024 0.17 13:18: IL 415000 (COL.SW.Y1.PrimSecDiff). Initialized jaws.
30.09.2024 1.0 15:30: IL 224053 (BGM.MOD.DspErrIlhvocMon). Replaced Thyratron.
01.10.2024 0.17 10:39: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) A-20; Init > OK
02.10.2024 0.17 08:56: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) A-4; Calib > OK
04.10.2024 0.17 07:20: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) A-14; Calib > OK
24.10.2024 0.83 10:30: IL 310409 (AccelGuideFlowLow); Crow bar defective > replaced crow bar.
08.11.2024 0.33 09:46: Emergency off. Clinac Model Server has to be started manually (Major Mode>Tools>Restart CMS).
13.12.2024 0.25 13:33: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) A-26; cycle > OK > not OK > replaced motor.
2024 29.09  

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