Downtime Details TrueBeam Blue (S/N 1275)

Date Hours Reason for Downtime
13.08.2012 5.0 MLC does not initialize ("Accurate Homing of Leaves" failed)
14.08.2012 6.5 MLC does not initialize ("Accurate Homing of Leaves" failed). Reason: bent MLC Encoder Strip carriage B
14.11.2012 4.0 Startup problems after emergency shutdown ("stress test")
06.12.2012 8.0 Motion Control Node (kV-Source) dead. Waiting for spare part (new node) from Switzerland.
2012 23.5 "Preclinical" downtime = downtime between Varian acceptance and end of year
21.01.2013 0.17 Collimator readout wrong by 0.6°
25.01.2013 0.17 Collimator readout wrong by 0.4°
05.02.2013 0.17 Collimator readout wrong by 0.7°
11.02.2013 0.17 XI node disconnected
12.02.2013 4.0 COL (HSSB Conn. Status)
19.02.2013 0.17 XI node disconnected
01.03.2013 0.25 MLC: leaf A-08
05.03.2013 0.5 Collimator readout wrong by 0.6° + XI node disconnected
06.03.2013 1.83 kVS: Motor driver board of Motion Control Node defective (img1, img2). Appointment scheduling: 72 patients/day. Disable kV, replan setups, wait for part from Switzerland. This was the node which had been installed on 06.12.2012.
07.03.2013 1.25 Installation of new Motion Control Node.
08.03.2013 2.17 "TXA License missing", Pi3Srv32.exe crashes, can't go nowhere. Reason: TrueBeam is far ahead of its time.
14.03.2013 0.5 XI node disconnected.
07.03.2013 0.25 Very unspecific "Workstation asserted an interlock" on the screen. No Treatment or kV possible.
20.03.2013 0.25 XI node disconnected (img1, img2) @ 83 patients/day.
09.04.2013 1.0 MLC Initialisation not possible ("Infra Red LED Calibration Failed").
10.04.2013 6.5 X1 jaw cannot be initialised (78 patients/day). End stop loose.
09.04.2013 4.5 MLC Initialisation not possible (same as on 09.04.2013).
23.04.2013 1.5 Ion chamber did not initialize after emergency off (80 patients/day).
23.04.2013 0.5 MLC-IL during RapidArc treatment.
23.04.2013 0.5 MLC-IL. Autocycling. > OK.
24.04.2013 0.75 Once again the Motion Control Node of kVS fails with typical Fault-IL (80 scheduled pat/day). Disable kV in SMC and SysAdmin. This was node #3, installed six weeks ago.
24.04.2013 1.5 Installation of new Motion Control Node.
10.05.2013 1.0 Replaced grid control PCB in modulator.
13.05.2013 3.5 Ion chamber does not initialize.
22.05.2013 0.25 MLC
20.06.2013 0.5 IL 315002. Reboot STN-node.
21.06.2013 3.33 BGM-IL E6 (morning check).
02.09.2013 0.45 XI not connected.
11.10.2013 3.0 DICOM communication error when loading a certain patient plan. No treatment possible on both TrueBeams. Solution: deleted some JPEG images from setup fields.
21.10.2013 3.0 COOL-IL 310409: Klystron flow rate drops below 4.5 gpm (Major interlock -> Standby). Workaround: setting Klystron flow offset to 10 increases Klystron flow rate to a safe value of 5.38, until faulty flow meter is replaced.
2013 43.63  
07.01.2014 8.0 Target switch (mandatory STB-BG-506: pics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15)
17.01.2014 4.17 Loose plastic item in X jaw drive assembly. Repair, calibration, check.
18.02.2014 0.25 Upper couch node interlocks: 706102, 706103, 706106, 718516, 719903, 721304, 714406
25.02.2014 9.0 Upper couch node interlocks: 706102, 706103, 706106, 721303, 706105, 718516, 721304, 719903
31.03.2014 2.5 Upper couch node interlocks: 706106, 718516 (pic1, pic2)
08.04.2014 0.25 Upper couch node interlocks: 715602, 715803. Cleaned with compressed air.
11.04.2014 4.5 Upper couch node interlock 715803 (TrueBeam obviously does not know "where the couchtop really is").
15.04.2014 2.5 CCHU 715803, 715822. Couch sticks in the Gantry (in the virtual model).
16.04.2014 3.0 CCHU 715400.
22.04.2014 0.5 CCHU 715400.
16.05.2014 6.0 Oil leak in kV cooling circuit.
19.05.2014 11.0 Oil leak in kV cooling circuit (cont'd).
07.07.2014 0.5 Failed to close beam loop on BGM .
08.07.2014 0.25 CCHU 715803.
21.07.2014 0.5 XI.
06.08.2014 0.5 LaserGuard interlocks 363002, 363004. Reset LG, then STN reboot.
17.09.2014 0.25 Failed to close beam loop on BGM. Restarted BGM.
08.10.2014 1.17 kVD collision detected (switch of touch guard defective). Temporarily bypassed switch.
16.10.2014 8.0 Power supply of Supervisor defective. Then TrueBeam software (VMS.DSE.OrchestratorHost.exe) refused to start.
03.11.2014 11.0 MOTN (pic 1, 2, 3). Motor of Y1 jaw has to be replaced.
04.12.2014 2.0 Couch does not move. CCHU 715803. Cleaned sensor area with compressed air.
2014 75.84  
15.01.2015 3.0 BGM 212022 (FlatnessROutOfRange).
22.01.2015 0.33 Couch does not move. CCHU 715803. Cleaned sensor area with compressed air. Reboot CCHU.
27.01.2015 0.5 MLC-IL ID420207. Leaf A prim/sec sensors 42.0 don't match by -0.3. Moved leaves manually. Init MLC.
02.02.2015 0.5 Gating device not ready, CCHU reboot, CCHL reboot, TB reboot. CBCT not ready. 2x crash SrvMode, 2x restart CBCT reconstructor.
09.02.2015 0.25 07:30 kVD-IL. No reaction. Init OK.
09.02.2015 0.25 12:30 kVD-IL. No reaction. Init OK.
09.02.2015 0.25 12:45 kVD-IL. No reaction. Init OK.
13.02.2015 0.25 10:50 kVD-IL. No reaction. Init OK.
19.02.2015 5.0 12:00 ION chamber replacement starts.
25.02.2015 0.25 XI-IL 508500, 500050 after CBCT. XI reboot, then OK. Same problem a little later. Xi reboot, OK
27.02.2015 0.25 Couch does not move. CCHU 715803. Cleaned sensor area with compressed air. Same problem after 20min.
06.03.2015 0.25 kVD-IL 911178. No readouts. Init, OK.
10.03.2015 1.0 9:15 After DU replacement IL 511313. XI-DU-firmware upgrade. Then problems with Accessory Mount.
10.03.2015 1.5 10:30 again IL 332038. Troubleshooting.
17.03.2015 0.25 IL 512505 after CBCT, then 500020 and 508500. Init not possible. Power cycled kVD. Init OK.
30.03.2015 1.0 MLC does not move. IL 420220. Init not possible. Replaced leaf motor B-17.
31.03.2015 0.5 Couch does not move. CCHU 715803. Cleaned sensor area with compressed air.
07.04.2015 0.17 Couch does not move. CCHU 715803. Cleaned sensor area with compressed air.
09.04.2015 8.5 Replaced couch sensor assembly (attempt to solve the CCHU 715803 problem)
16.04.2015 0.5 CBCT reconstructor restarted three times, no network address
20.04.2015 0.5 kVD arm motion prevented, init 3x, not possible (kVD.SW.kVDWrist 911252)
22.04.2015 0.17 XI-IL 512505, then XI-IL 508500, 500020
22.04.2015 0.25 MLC-IL 420208 (B40), moved leaf manually
23.04.2015 0.25 XI-IL 508500, 500020, kVD-IL, init (3x)
23.04.2015 2.0 kVD-IL -> Varian
24.04.2015 0.17 kVD-IL 911178
24.04.2015 0.17 kVD-IL 911178
27.04.2015 0.17 kVD-IL 911178
28.04.2015 0.17 kV-Il, no network address on CBCT reconstructor. Reboot CBCT.
04.05.2015 0.25 XI-IL 500020, 508500. Rebooted XI.
05.05.2015 0.17 Could not load CT data. Restarted VMS DICOM Stream Service (was already running).
20.05.2015 4.0 Oil leak in pressure hose (kink point at kVS elbow). Deactivated kV oil cooling system. Waiting for parts.
26.05.2015 4.0 Installation of new oil hoses.
27.05.2015 2.5 X1 blade stalls.
01.06.2015 6.0 kVS collimator does not initialize or calibrate.
05.06.2015 1.75 Morning: TB in unknown state. Initialize will not start for X-Jaws, Carr radial. Turn off TB.
11.06.2015 0.25 kVD IL 911178, "kVD not initialized"
17.06.2015 0.25 kVD IL 911178, "kVD not initialized". Five attempts until Init OK.
19.06.2015 0.25 kVD IL 911178, two attempts until Init OK.
03.07.2015 1.0 MLC IL 420220. MLC init not possible. COL power cycle, not OK, ...
06.07.2015 5.33 6:00: MLC PCB defective.
06.07.2015 0.25 12:18: kVD 911178, init lost, two attempts.
06.07.2015 0.33 13:30: kVD init lost, pover cycle kVD (2x), then init possible.
09.07.2015 0.25 7:30: kVD init lost during arc
09.07.2015 1.5 15:30: kVD IL 911178, Several attempts until Init OK.
10.07.2015 0.25 6:10: HVOC+KLY at 15MeV, 18MeV (6MV, 10MV OK). (pic1, pic2)
10.07.2015 0.17 kVD IL 911178, two attempts until Init OK.
10.07.2015 0.33 kVD IL 911178, several attempts, then switched machine. (pic1, pic2)
13.07.2015 0.17 MLC IL 420208, init MLC.
15.07.2015 1.5 HVOC+KLY+MOD at 15MV photons (221225, 224053, 224052). Replaced thyratron. (pic1, pic2)
21.07.2015 2.0 6:30: Laser Guard error 1,E. 3076+1006. LG defective. Disabled LG.
23.07.2015 1.0 MLC-IL 420207 several times. Init OK.
03.08.2015 0.5 "OrchestratorHost.exe stopped working".
13.08.2015 2.0 15:00: MLC-IL (TrajDeviationLeafB, TrajDeviationLeafA) -> Varian
19.08.2015 0.25 7:00 SPV+BGM. Rebooted SPV.
21.08.2015 0.25 6:00 SPV+BGM. Rebooted SPV.
25.08.2015 0.25 5:50 SPV+BGM. Rebooted SPV.
26.08.2015 0.33 SPV+BGM. Rebooted SPV.
27.08.2015 0.33 SPV+BGM (210005, 210016), Rebooted RFSPS. Prepare 6MeV, 6MV beams: Warning (RFSPS)
28.08.2015 0.33 5:50: SPV+BGM. Rebooted SPV.
31.08.2015 1.25 5:45: SPV+BGM. Rebooted SPV. Energy switch does not initialize. Calibrated ENS. Replaced RF Driver.
07.09.2015 0.75 5:53: Water temp 22°C.
23.09.2015 0.17 kVD lost initialization.
05.10.2015 1.0 6:00: Water temp 22°C.
28.10.2015 0.17 XI-IL 508500, 500020. XI reboot.
30.10.2015 0.75 COL-IL 420207, 420403, 420104. A-14, A-14. Hardware problem (leaf motor, spindle replaced).
30.11.2015 0.33 Pump fuse. Time delay.
01.12.2015 1.0 MLC-IL, Infrared LED Calibration Failed
07.12.2015 5.0 MVD-IL 612017 (voltage for motor driver board too low). Bad isolation of cable (-96 volt) causes short.
29.12.2015 2.0 TB in standby, then IL 611252, MVD: axes cal, teach drive cal, isocal, ...
2015 78.51  
29.02.2016 0.83 5:45: TrueBeam Power OFF. Restart. Water temp.: 22°C.
17.03.2016 1.0 6:00: TrueBeam Power OFF. Restart. Axes Cal., Tech Drive Cal., System Cal.
21.03.2016 2.0 7:30: IL 227172, 227173, Ion Chamber does not initialize. -> Varian (override initialisation).
21.03.2016 2.0 10:20: IL 227172 (same problem as before, intermittent during the day).
04.04.2016 0.5 5:54: TrueBeam Power OFF. Restart. Water temp.: 22°C. Init all axes.
15.04.2016 0.58 5:51: TrueBeam Power OFF. Restart. Init all axes.
18.04.2016 1.25 5:45: TrueBeam Power OFF. Restart. XI-IL (3x). Temp. 22°C. Init all axes.
19.04.2016 0.5 6:40: Y1-jaw 0V instead of 28V. Emergency-OFF. Init all axes.
03.05.2016 1.0 TrueBeam Power OFF. Fuse CB8. 3x restart. XI-IL 511404. kV-norm chamber. Restart. KSOL. BGM reboot. Init all axes.
25.05.2016 4.0 8:30: HVOC-IL. HV cable in modulator punctured by spark during 15 MV treatment.
30.05.2016 0.5 After 1st field of morning check: lost connection to reconstructor. Restarted services, Em-Off, Reboot.
06.06.2016 0.5 6:00: Water temp 22°C, Gun flow low.
24.06.2016 0.5 CCHL. Calibrated vertial readout.
27.06.2016 1.0 5:45: no power. Flow sensor 0.04 gpm.
28.06.2016 2.5 MLC IL 420207 (A-13). Replaced parts in leaf train.
07.07.2016 0.5 5:35: no power. Fuse tripped (Mains CB8). Temp 29.1°C.
12.07.2016 1.0 CCHU.
25.07.2016 0.58 5:45: TB in unknown state. Water temp 30°C.
25.07.2016 0.17 7:40: Cool-IL. Pump fuse tripped.
17.08.2016 4.0 Collimator rotation: Hard stop loose, screw lost. Collimator overrotated.
23.08.2016 0.33 Before 6:00 OK, then power-off (Treatment too). Time delay.
24.08.2016 0.25 6:00: no power.
08.09.2016 0.5 16:30: IRO power failure. VMS DSE OrchestratorHost.exe stopped working.
09.09.2016 0.75 16:30: no power. KSOL-IL. BGM reboot, then OK.
29.09.2016 0.5 6:00: TB in unknown state. Target cannot be initialized.
03.10.2016 1.0 5:45: TB in unknown state. Cool-IL. GuideFlowOutOfRange (IL 214217, 221211). Water temp 22°C.
04.10.2016 0.17 7:50: IL 420207. MLC leaf A-15. Init MLC.
18.10.2016 0.5 05:45: TB in unknown state.
03.11.2016 0.17 8:35: MLC leaf A-15. Init MLC (2x).
09.11.2016 0.25 19:15: IL 363001 (LaserGuard.PowerLowOrOpticsContaminated), IL363004. Em-Off, then OK.
14.11.2016 4.5 6:30: IL 413063 "X1 collision switch closed when it should not have." Cable broken.
09.12.2016 4.0 TrueBeam UPS replaced.
2016 37.83  
03.01.2017 0.17 10:02 MLC IL 420207 (Prim/Sec A-18 don't match)
03.01.2017 1.0 14:56 MLC IL 420207 (Prim/Sec A-22 don't match)
18.01.2017 3.83 9:00: Various kVS IL (pic1, pic2, pic3). Cable broken.
25.01.2017 0.5 06:37 MLC IL (homing of B-42 failed). 07:37: MLC IL 420220 (TrajDev B-42). Motor noisy. Replaced motor.
07.02.2017 0.67 05:50: TB in unknown state.
09.03.2017 0.25 15:00: Couch does not move. CCHU 715803. Cleaned sensor. Emergency Off to get patient from couch.
13.03.2017 3.0 07:30: Crowbar.
19.04.2017 6.0 15:30 (day of constancy checks): MVD IL 611173 (MVD elbow: diff. between prim. and tert. sensor positions)
20.04.2017 5.0 06:30-11:30: Elbow prim index pulse adjustment. MVD arm full calibration + IsoCal.
30.06.2017 0.17 17:27: Connection to XI lost (ID: 500020, 508002, 508003, 510102). Reboot XI.
04.07.2017 0.25 11:41: MLC LeafAPrimSecoutOfTol (A-3). ID: 420207. Four attempts to initialize MLC, then OK.
05.07.2017 0.17 17:12: MLC LeafAPrimSecoutOfTol (A-35). ID: 420207. Init MLC.
06.07.2017 1.5 06:04: kVDWrist.EncoderIndexMoved (ID: 911252). Calibrate kVD arm plus Isocal.
06.07.2017 0.67 16:30: kVS Software/Firmware IL (ID: 1001005). "Software is unable to get correct result from hardware application interface ...". No CAN messages from kV collimator. Emergency off, full initialization.
10.07.2017 0.17 07:02: at vertical couch movement: CouchVrt.PrimSecDiff (ID: 812600). Reboot CCHL node.
13.07.2017 0.17 06:34: Dosimetry IL during MPC (ID: 212114, 212115, 212129). Repeat MPC.
13.07.2017 3.0 12:28: TrajDeviationLeafA (A-13) (ID: 420219) replaced motor, spindle, broken T-nut. Calibrate MLC.
20.07.2017 8.5 07:32: Yesterday's TB 2.7 upgrade failed. Cannot treat ("Beam is invalid."). At 15:00 OK.
26.07.2017 0.5 11:41: "Lost connection to device - CBCT" Various reboots (XI, Reconstructor, ...)
28.07.2017 3.5 When replacing T-nuts, cable of SFB PCB was collaterally damaged.
28.07.2017 0.33 10:48: LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol (B-1) (ID: 420208). Initialized MLC four times.
31.07.2017 0.17 10:33: LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol (B-59) (ID: 420208). Initialized MLC.
31.07.2017 0.17 13:43: LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol (B-25) (ID: 420208). Initialized MLC.
04.08.2017 0.17 13:18: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-14) (ID: 420207). Initialized MLC.
07.08.2017 0.25 08:12: Lost connection to IPS, CBCT workspace lost connection to CBCT reconstructor. Reboots.
10.08.2017 0.83 10:56: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-14) (ID: 420207). A-14 does not move. Replaced leaf motor.
10.08.2017 0.17 14:01: "Connection error to X-ray Imaging system".
16.08.2017 0.17 17:47: Accessory switches are inconsitently set (ID: 4022) FP "partially installed". Replaced teflon rails.
17.08.2017 0.17 10:47: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-11) (ID: 420207). Initialized MLC.
28.08.2017 0.17 16:10: "Device not connected" (IRM). Reboot IRM and Treatment.
29.08.2017 0.5 14:54: After weekly IRM reboot: "Machine Monitor is not connected". Complete power down and reboot.
18.09.2017 0.25 08:28: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-1) (ID: 420207). Initialized MLC.
29.09.2017 0.25 10:30: LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-11) (ID: 420207). Initialized MLC + Autocycle.
29.09.2017 0.33 11:20: Power off. Clicking noise at Crowbar (20x)., power up, initialized all axes.
09.10.2017 0.5 05:45: Power off over night, T=24.6°C. MLC IL 420129. Initialized all axes.
06.11.2017 0.5 11:05: Power off. Cannot power up. IL 510102. Switched off USV, then power up.
20.11.2017 1.0 12:05: HSSB link with 44 Mio. errors. Replaced CAT6 cable for HSSB.
23.11.2017 0.33 08:30: IL 411002 COL.SW.AXIS.OrderCauseCollY. Clear IL in Service Mode, initialize Y jaws, OK.
30.11.2017 2.0 12:30: metallic noise from inside the MV arm. Calibration bar had turned loose. Tightened, OK.
04.12.2017 0.33 05:45: Standby, AccelGuideFlowLow (IL 310425), possibly due to overtemp. Reboot CBCT.
11.12.2017 0.33 06:15: CBCT no connect, reconstructor hangs in BIOS. Connect external keyboard. Reboot now possible.
15.12.2017 1.75 13:45: No hospital water supply. Overtemp. Several problems (HSSB link, CBCT ...) upon recovery.
21.12.2017 0.25 05:45: IL 310432 (overtemp), standby, 12 min time delay. Reboot CBCT.
2017 49.94  
22.02.2018 0.25 07:09: IL 420208 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol (B-42). Init failed (2x), finally init at Gantry 90° OK.
27.03.2018 0.5 12:00: IL 420207 LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-28). Replaced leaf motor.
24.04.2018 1.0 06:28: after emergency power test: multiple connection problems. Full power down, init all axes, OK.
24.04.2018 0.5 06:57: IL 376001 (EXIO.TempError). Fancoils in TrueBeam computer cabinet not working.
02.05.2018 1.0 05:55: IL 911273 (kVD Wrist diff primary/tertiary). System calibration kVD arm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.
04.05.2018 0.67 07:19: IL 309311 (GPDRecvTimeout), CB9 in modulator cabinet tripped. Init all axes, OK.
08.05.2018 0.17 12:21: IL 420208 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol (B-28). Srv mode, IL override, MLC init, OK.
08.05.2018 0.17 08:03: IL 420207 LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol (A-39). Srv mode, MLC init, OK.
25.05.2018 1.5 07:45: kVS-IL at upper arm (touch guard). Bypassed temprarily with cable.
06.06.2018 0.33 11:51: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA). Replaced leaf motor A-28.
07.06.2018 0.5 12:44: IL 3034. STN reboot, EM Off, TrueBeam computer reboot, OK.
26.06.2018 1.0 06:16: Main (left) TrueBeam console monitor: no image. Reason: no power on DVI signal amplifier.
05.07.2018 0.5 15:57: IL 611215 (MVDWrist.TimeoutSettlingAtFinalPosition) several times (1 2 3 4). Chain too loose?
06.07.2018 3.0 IL 210005 (DOSE.DoseDeviation), 224053 (MOD.DspErrIlhvocMon) 1 2 3. Replaced Main Thyratron.
02.11.2018 0.5 05:49: CB8 has tripped, TB very cold. Undefined state. Turn on, init all axes.
02.11.2018 0.75 06:06: kVD wrist axis did not pass verification. IL 911252 (EncoderIndexMoved). Calibrate, ISOcal.
22.11.2018 0.17 07:49: Connection to Review CBCT lost, VMS.CR.AR has stopped working. Reboot CBCT, XI.
07.12.2018 0.75 06:19: vms.itc.clinical.exe has stopped working. No connection to Image Storage and Dispatch Service (IPS)
12.12.2018 0.33 12:24: IL 715400 CCHU.SW.CouchLng.PrimSecDiff
2018 13.59  
11.01.2019 3.0 05:48: TB in PEL mode. Seven (!) attempts to power up. Activated all em-off switches several times -> OK.
11.01.2019 1.0 09:20: all kV images inverted! Acquired kV in Srv mode & activated "invert" filter -> OK in clinical mode.
25.01.2019 0.33 11:40: IL 3034, no axis movements possible. Em-off, reboot -> OK.
15.02.2019 3.0 09:02: Stdby repeatedly. IL 306206, 306203, 306203 (STN.SW.COMM.HSSBlink3...). EXIO deactivated -> OK
06.03.2019 0.17 17:31: IL 420208; COL.SW.MLC.LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol. Moved leaves manually, init -> OK.
07.03.2019 1.0 05:59: IL 420208; COL.SW.MLC.LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol. B-26 slow. Replaced motors B-25, B-26.
17.04.2019 4.0 18:00: MLC board on side A defective: moving one leaf moves also a second leaf. Replaced board.
18.06.2019 1.0 16:20: MVD timeout when settling at final position. MVD oscillates when at 100cm. Replaced wrist drive assy.
14.08.2019 4.0 06:16: kVS arm does not move. Replaced Motion Control Node.
26.08.2019 0.33 10:57: STN.SW.LaserGuard.ContaminatedNoOperation. Cleaned Laser Guard with compressed air.
20.09.2019 0.17 09:51: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol), leaf 45. Initialized, OK.
22.10.2019 0.25 08:00: Cover: door at Gantry opens during arc. Taped down door, replaced later.
30.10.2019 0.17 06:13: IL 227068, 227066. Energy Switch can't be initialized. Calibrated at Gantry 180° (travel range diff 0.07%)
08.11.2019 0.17 15:46: IL 420205 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol). Initialized, OK.
04.12.2019 0.17 08:49: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA). Moved leaves manually. Initialized, OK.
06.12.2019 0.67 16:15: PEL mode during verification measurement. Checked HSSB links, no reason found. Init all axes. OK.
11.12.2019 0.33 14:29: IL 420220 (TrajDeviationLeafB). Replaced motor 36.
11.12.2019 0.17 19:45: IL 420208 (LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol), leaf 28. Cycle MLC, OK.
20.12.2019 1.0 06:10: No connection to various nodes. CBCT reconstructor seems to hang. Rebooted, then OK.
31.12.2019 0.5 05:50: PEL mode, CB8 tripped.
2019 21.43  
03.01.2020 5.5 07:00: IL 222059 (BGM.EGN.DspErrCrowbarError). Crow bar defective -> replaced.
05.02.2020 0.17 14:59: IL 420219 (TrajDeviation) A-34. Replaced motor.
06.03.2020 0.17 07:57: "Disk space is very low on reconstructor computer." Deleted old CBCT images manually.
11.03.2020 0.16 10:07: IL 812600 (CouchVrt.PrimSecDiff). Couch does not move vertically (position 50.47cm).
10.03.2020 0.5 14:45: "Disk space is very low on the reconstructor computer." Deleted 600GB of old images.
17.03.2020 2.0 05:38: PEL mode, CBCT reconstructor blue screen. Replaced by old Eclipse WS. OK. (1 2 3 4 5)
02.04.2020 0.5 06:02: IL 224050 (BGM.MOD.DspErrIlhvcbMon). Emergency off, init all axes, then OK.
02.04.2020 0.17 13:54: IL 420205 (MLC.CarriagAPrimSecOutOfTol). Override IL, Init MLC, OK.
06.04.2020 0.17 17:37: IL 420208 (B-43 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol). Override IL, Init MLC, OK.
10.04.2020 0.16 10:55: IL 420208 (B-45 PrimSecOutOfTol). Override IL, Init MLC, OK.
21.04.2020 2.5 08:32: IL 813026 (CCHL.FPGA.CouchVrt.LiftACPowerNotOff), 813012 (MotorDriverFault). CB tripped.
19.05.2020 0.16 10:46: IL 310425 (Cooling.AccelGuideFlowLow -> Standby). Turn on machine, wait for time delay -> OK.
03.06.2020 0.16 11:45: "Processing the Control System status message failed." (pic) App frozen. Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R, then OK.
24.06.2020 5.0 05:47: Cooling water leaking from the Gantry (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
24.06.2020 0.16 21:46: IL 420208 (B-37 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol). Override IL, Init MLC, OK.
03.07.2020 2.0 05:53: IL 3055, 3056. Water temp. 28.497°C, only rising very slowly. Stand reboot. OK.
06.07.2020 7.33 05:51: Temp. 29° (pic1, pic2), rising slowly (closed supply). Input voltage unstable. Ordered actuator.
07.07.2020 4.5 05:54: Temp. 29° (pic1, pic2). Moved actuator with HASP. New actuator doesn't fit. Ordered full STB.
13.07.2020 0.42 10:23: IL 420219 several times during the last week (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Replaced motor A-34.
30.07.2020 1.5 13:28: IL 412002 (ColRtn.PrimMovingDeviated) Bad connection in collimator cabling.
06.08.2020 0.17 12:06: IL 420208 (B-23 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol).
06.08.2020 0.66 16:51: IL 420205 (CarriagAPrimSecOutOfTol). Moved carriage "manually".
12.08.2020 0.17 08:24: IL 420208 (B-43 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol).
14.08.2020 3.17 10:19: IL 413002 (X1.PrimMovingDeviated) (pic2) -> Varian.
19.08.2020 0.25 07:11: IL 420219 (A-19 TrajDeviationLeafA). Replaced motor.
10.09.2020 6.0 09:01: IL 277209 (PosY.SecondaryExpectedCheck) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) -> Varian
11.09.2020 2.5 Several occurences of IL 277209 during the day, only 6X affected (1, 2, 3, 4)
14.09.2020 1.0 Several occurences of IL 277209 during the day (1, 2, 3, 4 ,5)
15.09.2020 1.0 Several occurences of IL 277209 during the day (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Init radial -> OK.
21.09.2020 0.5 07:12: Inroom computer not connected.
05.10.2020 0.33 06:04: IL 277209 (PosY.SecondaryExpectedCheck), IL 227221 (PosY.PWMDriverStatus) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
20.10.2020 2.25 10:59: IL 813035 (CouchVrt.SoloistPower), 813026 (LiftACPowerNotShutOff), 813012 (MotorDriverFault)
09.11.2020 0.5 07:44: Pump outlet water temperature is low. Filled up water (10l), STN reboot. (1, 2)
17.11.2020 0.5 05:53: IL 420208 (B-1 PrimSecOutOfTol), 420220 (B-17 TrajDeviation)
17.11.2020 2.5 08:44: Acc IL Slot 1 comm. error, Acc. switches inconsitently set. Loose connector. (1, 2)
2020 54.73  
25.01.2021 0.16 14:11: IL 420207 (A-39 LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol). Init -> OK.
12.02.2021 1.25 15:45: IL 420208 (A-1 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol), TrajDeviation (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -> Varian
26.02.2021 0.16 15:21: -> Standby. CB2 tripped. Turn on machine -> OK.
01.03.2021 0.17 07:12: -> Standby. CB2 tripped. Turn on machine -> OK.
01.03.2021 0.16 10:33: -> Standby. CB2 tripped. Turn on machine -> OK.
02.03.2021 1.5 15:43: IL 414002 (X2.PrimMovingDeviated). Jaws can't be initialized (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) -> Varian
10.03.2021 0.16 13:56: Treatment App crashed. Major mode, restart treatment (1, 2).
22.03.2021 6.0 08:54: Power outage. On -> Init -> IL 416002 can't be initialized -> Varian (1, 2)
28.04.2021 0.33 12:07: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA-46). Init not possible > moved leaf manually > init > OK
07.05.2021 0.25 10:43: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA-46). Replaced motor.
12.05.2021 0.33 16:24: IL 371011 Power-off during treatment. STN reboot > 10min time delay + MLC init > OK
07.09.2021 0.33

06:43: IL 414002 (COL.SW.X2.PrimMovingDeviated) > power cycle collimator node -> Varian

16.09.2021 0.67 06:20: TB in PEL mode. CB8 tripped repeatedly > ON -> IL 414002 > moved X2 manually > init OK
12.10.2021 0.33 06:41: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol, A-26) > replaced motor
12.10.2021 0.16 11:32: IL 813026 CouchVrt.LiftACPowerNotShutOff > cycle CCHL node > CB tripped > OK
12.10.2021 0.5 17:14: sudden Power off (3x). Possibly due to IL 315007 (STN.APD.DspErrTemperature)
22.11.2021 0.83 06:35: Patient plan load not possible (1, 2) due to DICOM communication error -> Varian
06.12.2021 4.0 07:20: IL 222035-83 (EGN.HVPSACOff) -> Varian
07.12.2021 1.5 10:13: IL 222068 (EGN.DspErrHdadcgridvMon) -> Varian
27.12.2021 2.5 05:42: IL 706102 (CCHU.SW.COMM.HSSBLink2ControllerLinkError) -> Varian -> replaced couch cabling
2021 21.29  
18.01.2022 2.5 06:20: TrueBeam in PEL mode, HSSB link to STN down. Replaced patch cable from STN to STN controller
20.01.2022 0.25 11:18: IL 334004,334040,334042,334067,... STN.SW.Power.U6Defective. Time delay (Stand By -> ON)
26.01.2022 0.42 15:50: IL 309311,309341,309321,331054,331056,331058,... Time delay (Stand By -> ON)
28.01.2022 0.25 15:00: IL 363002, 363004 Laser Guard error E1. Disconnect/reconnect (1, 2, 3)
25.02.2022 2.25 06:32: IL 224053 (MOD.DspErrIlhvocMon). Reset MOD board, recycle 24V, replaced Main Thyratron
25.03.2022 0.25 09:05: IL 420220 (TrajDeviationLeafB), replaced motor A-38
05.04.2022 0.16 07:50: IL 813026 (CCHL.FPGA.CouchVrt.LiftACPowerNotShutOff). reset CB on 1st board in stand
13.04.2022 0.16 14:33: IL 420220. Init MLC
28.07.2022 2.0 14:30: IL 420303, 420296 Init not possible. Replaced MLC power supply
29.07.2022 0.33 05:45: IL 363002, 363004 (Laser Guard), STN reboot, time delay 12min
09.08.2022 2.25 07:00: MLC A-51 does not move. Replaced T-nut
18.08.2022 1.0 08:03: IL 420207 (LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol) replaced motor A-30, replaced SFB board, calibrate MLC
22.08.2022 0.33 07:15: TrueBeam in PEL mode. Restarted all components
20.09.2022 2.83 07:14: B-60 leaf does not move. T-nut broken. Replacement, cleaning.
20.09.2022 0.33 10:52: IL 216303 (PosRotation.PrimStandstill.Deviated). Recaptured carousel secondary positions.
11.10.2022 1.0 16:00: kVS HWAPIError, KVCOLL.FPGANotDetected, kVS cannot be initialized -> Varian
05.12.2022 0.33 05:23: IL908098 KVD.SW.WDG.WatchdofMonitorTaskTimeout, IL900021 FlashFileCRCCheckFailed -> Varian
20.12.2022 0.17 10:11: IL 340021, 306002, 224082, ... StdBy -> On -> Init MLC -> OK
2022 16.80  
03.01.2023 0.5 05:53: PEL-Mode, water temp 30.2°C, init X2 jaw failed, init at Gantry 180° -> OK.
24.02.2023 2.5 07:06: IL 224050, "HV crowbar is not closed in Ready or Active state". Replaced crowbar.
01.03.2023 0.25 09:48: IL 420220 (TrajDeviationLeafB), replaced motor B-42
03.03.2023 0.25 09:04: IL 363004 (LaserGuard: E1 blinking). Reconnect, reboot STN
06.03.2023 0.17 08:37: PEL-Mode (Mains CB8 tripped). Turn ON -> Init MLC -> OK
21.06.2023 0.17 09:45: CB8 tripped. Turn ON -> Init MLC -> OK
26.07.2023 1.5 18:49: IL 414002 (X2 jaw init not possible). Tried several times, finally OK
10.08.2023 0.17 09:25: Beam-hold between fields, cannot be cleared. Reboot XI and Reconstructor.
15.09.2023 3.0 05:53: IL 413063 (Collision switch closed when it should not have). Replaced limit switch.
20.10.2023 3.0 11:56: CCHL ILs 813026 LiftACPowerNotShutOff, 813012 CouchVrt.MotorDriverFault, 813035 SoloistPower.
30.10.2023 2.0 09:29: 224088 MOD.DspErrPfnvNotDischarge, 221225 MissingMODTrigger. Replaced Thyratron.
08.11.2023 2.83 10:06: Gun Crowbar related ILs (211100, 222035, 222059). Board reset, tightened connection scews.
13.11.2023 0.17 12:40: IL 420207 LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol, A-31. Calibrated MLC.
11.12.2023 0.17 13:40: IL 420207. Initialized MLC.
2023 16.68  
09.01.2024 14.75 06:44: IL 222066 (BGM.EGN.DspErrN5kvVacionVolts), IL 222067 (BGM.EGN.DspErrN5kvVacionCurr) (pic1 pic2)
23.01.2024 4.0 08:31: IL 420301, 420302, 420303, 420400, 420500, 420600, 420700, 420296, 420217. Replaced MLC-PS.
06.02.2024 0.33 10:14: IL 420219 (TrajDeviationLeafA). Replaced motor A-28.
04.03.2024 0.33 08:00: IL 225035 (BGM.RFSPS.Dsp.ErrIlnActive). Adjusted BendMagnet current.
05.03.2024 5.0 06:09: IL 412002 (CollRtn.PrimMovingDeviated) (pic1 pic2)
11.03.2024 0.75 11:45: PowerOff during treatment. Turned on machine. Wait for Juniper. Init all axes. No reason found.
25.03.2014 0.5 15:19: IL 412002 (CollRtn.PrimMovingDeviated). Init at Gantry 180°.
08.04.2024 7.5 05:55: IL 412002. Broken cable in cable tree 6W8.
15.04.2024 4.0 15:51: TrueBeam in PEL mode.
02.05.2024 7.5 10:30: Water leak; cannot initialize X1 jaw. Replaced end stop switch.
18.06.2024 1.58 11:40: Water traces under Gantry. No leak found.
21.06.2024 0.5 17:10: TrueBeam falls to StandBy.
25.06.2024 3.0 06:00: Water traces under Gantry. Identified broken hose connection in Stand.
26.06.2024 3.0 05:55: IL 310409 (Cooling.KlystronFlowLow) 310427 (WaterTankLevelLowFlt). Filled up 10 liters.
19.08.2024 2.0 06:55: IL 416000 (Y2: Diff betw. prim. sensor and sec. sensor pos). Secured loose plug.
27.08.2024 0.17 10:12: IL 416027 (CCOL.SW.Y2.PrimSecTermDiff). Secured loose plug.
28.08.2024 0.17 10:12: IL 420207 (MLC.LeafAPrimSecOutOfTol). Init MLC.
16.09.2024 0.33 08:36: IL 416509 (Y2.SecResLowerLimit). Connector loose. Secured connection (1, 2).
09.10.2024 0.25 08:00: Power Off when setting up the patient. Turn on machine, init MLC, OK.
25.10.2024 2.5 09:15: Crow bar defective.
28.11.2024 0.33 07:30: IL 420208 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol. Replaced motor B-46.
11.12.2024 0.33 10:41: IL 420208 LeafBPrimSecOutOfTol (B-32). Replaced SFB board.
27.12.2024 9.0 07:54: IL 420297 (MLC.LeafAHWReadoutTooLow). After ball bearing of carriage desintegrated, the trapped bearing ball drew a groove and damaged the ribbon cable of the SFB board (pic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Ordered parts.
30.12.2024 9.0 Repair cont'd.
2024 76.82  

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