
Model/Serial: 42007-012 (purchased: 1996, returned: 1997)
Model/Serial: 42007-036 (purchased: 1996, returned: 1997)
Model/Serial: 42007-572 (purchased: 2005)
Model/Serial: 42007-573 (purchased: 2005)

Description: Measuring head with 6 ionization chambers.

Accessory: Holder T40003.1.003 for Varian Accessory Mount 889300-03.

Measurement Chain: QC6Plus > Multidos > RS232 > PC


Date Event
07.08.1997 T42007-12 and -36 are returned to PTW (QCWin software not available yet). Switched to Victoreen DoubleCheck for the next 8 years.
22.12.2005 Purchased two devices. Initial calibration by PTW. Calibration files: S/N 572, S/N 573.
2012/2013 Daily checks: replaced by QUICKCHECKwebline. Still used for yearly checks (to check dependence of symmetry on gantry angle).

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