CT Chamber

Model/Serial: 30009-770 (purchased: 2010)

Description: Ionization chamber (3.14 cm3) with 10 cm sensitive length. Possible use is with Diados, Unidos or Unidoswebline. Measuring quantity is dose length product. In Austria, the CT chamber has to be verified before clinical use. We plan to use this chamber together with the Unidos.

Calibration for Radiation Qualities RQR 9 and RQA 9

Date Air Kerma Rate (RQR 9)
NK [Gy cm C-1]
Air Kerma Rate (RQA 9)
NK [Gy cm C-1]
U [%] Laboratory
18.08.2010 8.021E+07 7.965E+07 5.0 PTW



Date Event
18.08.2010 S/N 770: initial calibration by PTW.

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