0.125 cm3 Chamber

Model/Serial: 31002-367 (purchased: 1996)
Model/Serial: 31002-368 (purchased: 1996)
Model/Serial: 31010-004882 (purchased: 2012)
Model/Serial: 31010-004883 (purchased: 2012)

Description: We use this ionization chamber for relative dosimetry in the water phantom (profiles, depth dose curves, output factors). E.g., TrueBeam output factors (Eclipse beam data) for field sizes > 4x4 cm were measured with this detector.

It is a good general purpose detector for field scanning, if field size is not too small.


Date Event
09.01.2004 S/N 367 calibrated by PTW: NW = 2.904E+08 Gy/C (U = 2.2%).
21.01.2004 S/N 367 back from repair (connector broken, insulation error, opened and cleaned chamber, calibration).
17.08.2012 S/N 368 during water phantom scanning: "HV-Error" > defective!

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