DMLC logs (DynaLogs) - creation and transfer

This section describes how the DynaLog files may be created on the MLC controller, transferred to a PC running Windows and analysed by the user using different software packages. The methods may be applied to DMLC quality assurance, the verification of individual treatment fields or the early detection of leaf motor problems, to name a few possibilities.

Generation of DynaLog files and transfer to floppy
After completion of a DMLC treatment, the DynaLog files may be generated on the MLC controller by pressing “F” on its keyboard, followed by “C” or “A” depending on the desired target drive where the files should be written to. Writing to the internal harddisk (“C”) first is preferred, for the following reasons: the transfer is much faster and safer. Floppies may be corrupt and then the DynaLog files are lost (they cannot be generated a second time). Although exiting the MLCX application (by pressing “E” on the keyboard) in order to get to the DOS prompt and copy the files to a floppy via DOS commands requires a new MLC initialisation after all transfers are complete, this takes generally less time than writing to “A” directly (without the need to exit MLCX). Furthermore, it may happen that DynaLog files do not fit on a 1.44MB floppy, depending on treatment time. Installing PKZIP and invoking a custom script can help a lot for frequent transfers. See the following sample script, “doit.bat”:

@echo off


echo ------------------------------------------------

echo ---- Dynalog Data Transfer Script      Nov 2000, Papauschek Michael

echo ------------------------------------------------



cd \mlcx

if not exist goto NoDeleteOldZip

 echo delete old archive ...




 echo create dynalog archive on harddisk ...

 pkzip dynlog*.*


 choice /n /c:jyn copy ZIP archive to floppy? 

 if errorlevel 3 goto NotCopyToDisk

 pkzip a:\ dynlog*.*



 choice /n /c:jyn delete dynalog files from harddisk? 

 if errorlevel 3 goto DelDynlogFiles

 del dynlog*.*





 choice /n /c:jyn restart MLCX? 

 if errorlevel 3 goto AbortMLCstart

 cd MLCX


 goto TotalAbort


echo ------------------------------------------------

echo  Thank you for using this script!             

echo ------------------------------------------------




The file „doit.bat“ should be copied to the directory C:\DOS on the MLC controller. PKZIP.EXE must also be installed there (e.g.,  PKZIP Version 2.01 (1992)). The script is invoked by typing „doit“ at the DOS prompt. After the script is started, it guides the user through the process.  By using ZIP compression, the DynaLog files of 20 to 30 DMLC treatments may be copied to floppy at once, depending on treament times.Two remarks:

  • Even if the dynalog files on C: are deleted through the script, they still exist on C: as archive „“. So even if the floppy is bad, the logs are not lost. Simply copy „“ to a new floppy.
  • If a file „“ already exists on the floppy, the new dynalogs are added to the archive on the floppy.


DoIt is ©2001 by Michael Papauschek

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