logs (DynaLogs) - creation and transfer
This section describes how the DynaLog files may be created on the MLC controller, transferred to a PC running Windows and analysed by the user using different software packages. The methods may be applied to DMLC quality assurance, the verification of individual treatment fields or the early detection of leaf motor problems, to name a few possibilities. Generation of DynaLog
files and transfer to floppy |
The file „doit.bat“ should be copied to the directory C:\DOS on the MLC controller. PKZIP.EXE must also be installed there (e.g., PKZIP Version 2.01 (1992)). The script is invoked by typing „doit“ at the DOS prompt. After the script is started, it guides the user through the process. By using ZIP compression, the DynaLog files of 20 to 30 DMLC treatments may be copied to floppy at once, depending on treament times.Two remarks: