The most comfortable way to do IMRT verification is to use Varian's Portal Dosimetry System. If these software modules are not available, one can nevertheless use the features of Eclipse and the Portal Imaging system itself to do some kind of "Poor Man's" IMRT verification, if some evaluation software, like VeriSoft, is at hand. Before the detector can be used for dose measurements in the "Poor Man's Approach", it has to be calibrated for dose. In contrast to other dosimetric equipment, all measurements are done in a fixed depth of 8mm. Additional buildup, although technically possible to some extent, is unpractical. Adding backscatter material is not possible. In contrast to IMRT verification using the 2D-ARRAY, the aS500 can only be used for field verification. Plan verification is not possible, since the beam geometry is fixed (perpendicular beam incidence). We verify an IMRT plan according to the following steps:
The preparation so far takes
about half an hour, depending on the complexity of the plan. On the linac, one
PC runs VeriSoft, always loading the reference dose distribution of the field
to check. The same field is treated, and an integrated image is taken with the
aS500 detector. This DICOM image is saved to a network drive, where VeriSoft
can access it. The evaluation is nearly online. Each field is evaluated before
the next field is treated. Fig.1 shows screenshots of a typical five field prostate
IMRT verification. |
Typical five field prostate plan with 15MV and Gantry angles 0°, 72°,
144°, 216°, 280°. For field verification, Gantry was always
set to zero. Left: typical profile (blue: calculated, green: measured).
Right: Gamma index, 3%, 3mm and isodose overlay. Field 1 (0°) |
2 (72°) |
3 (144°) |
4 (216°) |
5 (280°) |